Monday, November 2, 2009

Down the Driveway He went...

Down the driveway he went this morning. Backing out like he always has, driving away from his home on his way to work. Faithfully he goes to his destination to fulfill his God given job. He's just a man, doing what is right. No big deal, right?

There's a sweet scripture that says something like, "he who findeth a wife, findeth a good thing and obtaineth favor of the Lord". But I'm wondering if there is an opposite scripture for us wives. Something like "she who is found by a husband, is found and greatly blessed and has obtained favor of her God". Nope, I don't think that's in the scripture! But it sure makes my heart glad for the day that my husband found me.

He goes to work every day. He has been my heart's companion for most of my life now. My dearest friend in all the world. And I am awed and humbled by the power I have to make his life sweet... or sad. In awe because I see how easy it would be for me to mess up such a "good thing" that God has given to him. And humbled by the huge responsibility to be a "good thing" to him. The apple of his eye. The one he can be always "ravished with her love" with.

As he went off to work this morning, I pondered about his heart safely trusting in me. He's given me his heart. Is it a precious thing to me? Another place in the Word talks about "doing him good all the days of her life and not evil". I shake my head so many times in wonder at what a gift I have been given in my sweet husband. But do I truly do him good? Each action I take toward my dear one can either make his life sweet or it can make him sad. It's not so much that I send him out the door with a lunch and a kiss that makes his life sweet. It's... do I hear him? Do I care about his heart he has entrusted me with? Do I listen to the underlying thoughts and gestures he makes when he lets his guard down for only me? I stand in awe and am greatly humbled by the work God has given me to do as a wife. It's something I am only beginning to understand the enormity of.

So, as he drives down that driveway each day, I will continue to wave insanely to him; hoping to catch his eye one more time to let him know that his heart is safe in mine. Then I'll go in my bedroom and get on my knees and thank the Lord that He found me for my dear husband and beg His help to be a "good thing" for him for the rest of my days on earth. And then I will be here waiting at the end of each day, when he drives back up into our driveway, safely home.


Unknown said...

Tears are the only appropriate response to this and I've shed them this morning. Can a husband deserve such a good woman? Probably not, but he can thank his wonderful God for his blessings. I am so thankful for the Love he put between us. Your Love inspires me. Thank you for all that you are for me. Your one and only, CP

pandama said...

mom, this made me cry. It is a wonderful and could be terrible power to hold the happiness of someones heart in your hand. Well I can only hope that I never forget the amazing wonder of truely a love only God could have inspired in you and dad. truely you guys are sooo blessed. When i first came in the faith I remember coming to visit and it being almost unbelievable that dad would call you every day eager to hear you voice. Every day! Amazing the stuff of fairytales. I couldn't believe it. and at days end he would drive up and with almost a delight that shouldn't be allowed to one person you would call out my daddy's home. May God keep that always in my heart that I would be that kind of example to my children and that Glory to my God. love you mom and dad keep it up.

carimarie said...

Im so glad you posted this, it was something I needed to read. YOur love for your hubby shines through and its so sweet! I want to please my husband and do what I can to not disappoint him, Im thankful I have such sweet sisters to look to as example's.

Anonymous said...

I think I love my husband just as you describe your love. It's funny that I always prayed for a husband that was just like my beloved Conga! As a young girl I could see how sincere your love was and I prayed for such a marriage. I often pray that I can show my husband how much I love him. Thank you both for all the years of being such wonderful examples in the faith and for the sweet example of how a loving marriage can be and should be.

Rosalie said...

Aaaaawwwwwwww!!!!Love ya both so much.

Sister D said...

What a beautiful post and a beautiful testimony your marriage has been to your children and all those that know you. I love what you said about really listening to our Husbands. My dear hubby has such a hard, confusing job (its difficult for me to understand what he deals with daily even when he explains it to me) I have caught myself thinking of what I'm supposed to be doing instead of REALLY listening and being the dear confidante to him that He so needs me to be. I so agree with you and have also seen how quickly I can change his day from discouraging to sweet with a few loving words (making him his favorite grilled cheese sandwich for lunch always helps:) Thank you so much for the reminder to take good care of my most precious gift. Love you both!

KatieB said...

That`s so sweet! I can only hope and pray that I`ll as blessed as you and mom

Sis Stubby said...

You have such a way with words .I could never had said it the way you have.And such a precious gift God has given us wives.Not only do we hold our husbands in our hands also our children & the church,By how good a wife we are.
Sis you are a jewel.I am so glad I have been able to share in your life . Thank You

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