Friday, March 28, 2008

Entertaining Angels Unawares?

In this picture, the old man is very aware that he is entertaining an Angel... Have you ever thought that you had unwittingly entertained an Angel? It sure is going to be hard to pull the wool over my eyes, because I find myself looking for them all the time! Yet, I'm wondering if yesterday a couple of them dropped by my library? There were these two men, one young and one older and kind of frail. They stopped by to use the restroom and it was at a very busy time. Lorraine was there with me too, so she knows who I'm talking about. The younger one took the older one gently and led him to the restroom and then came and just stood by my desk expectantly watching me. In my rush of helping other patrons, I let it go until I had finished with a few others. Then, since he was still watching me expectantly, I asked him if I could help him. He said that he was just here for the restroom. Then the older one came out of the restroom and he was very kindly looking. He started to converse with Lorraine and she couldn't understand him because he was speaking Spanish. She directed him to me and I asked him if he was looking for books in Spanish, he tried to speak to me, but was fumbling for words and I (thank the Lord!) waited patiently for him to speak to me in Spanish...hoping I would be able to understand. (Note: neither man looked of Hispanic origin!) He said it was nice to be here and to see me and then I showed him to the books and told him everything our library carries in Spanish. He nodded his head and smiled very nicely the whole time. Then he said it was a pleasure to meet me and started to leave. He held out his hand to me and I took it and it was very sweet how he squeezed my hand ever so gently and I squeezed it back with all the kindness I could give him. And off the two of them went...At that time, I didn't even think about them being Angels! Of course, I still don't know if they were, but it hit me this morning, as I was thinking back over my day yesterday, that maybe they were! Every day I am in the library, taking care of different patrons or visitors, I realize that while I know most everyone who walks in, sometimes a visitor comes that I don't know...and you never know who it might be... But this does not make me accountable to be careful to entertain kindly only the people I don't know who visit... I really do try and treat every one of my patrons as if they were the Lord coming in. And it's not hard! I feel so much love toward people sometimes, and I know it's just the Lord in me. It would be a privilege to have the opportunity to entertain angels unaware...but maybe I'm too watchful?

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Odds 'n Ends

Okay, enough sickness around the house! I'm tired of being a couch/bed potato! I need a shower and my hair washed and some clean clothes...not jammies! Okay...maybe tomorrow...I'm still a little weaky/yucky/coughy/sneezy/blahzo feeling today. It was kinda funny...we were all watching "Nancy Drew" this know; all us sickies have nothing better to do than lounge on the couch...and suddenly there was this funny scene and we all tried to start laughing but instead we were all having a coughing fit! Oh brother!

I had a very nice visit last week from a dear old friend/sister. I got to spend some one on one with her and you all know how much I needed that! She told me to get a grip...which was what I needed and what I KNEW I needed. We had lots of fun together and it was a fresh breath from heaven for me! So...onward we go. I also read another blog of a sister who has about as much on her plate as I do...

Today is the first day of Spring! Maybe tomorrow I will get out and put my hands into the dirt with The Dad? He would love to get going in the garden this year...and we are getting new chickies April 1st. Now where will we put those little boogers? Oh yeah! In my Utility Room! And while they are so cute at first...they get smelly real fast! Yuck! But the grandkids will adore must I. Big sigh...

I listened to some nice advice from another sister's bloggie. . .about internet safety...
and changed the url of my blog. I'm hoping everyone finds me again! I need to put all my blog friends in the sidebar again too. Hopefully you are not all expecting me to be making those luscious meals on my menu blog
because I'm seriously not making those meals since I've been sick! Good heavens! I've still got the Corned Beef in the frig waiting for me...maybe tomorrow?

Last night we watched "Enchanted" on DVD. That was the sweetest, most fun movie ever! I loved how they pulled elements from other Disney movies into the story...did you see it? Did you hear the "Little Mermaid" music in the background at one point? What about the name of the restaurant? Bella Notte from "Lady and the Tramp"? If you haven't watched this movie yet, run...don't walk your fingers to Netflix and get it on your queue!

One thing sweet to write about... On Tuesday, when I wasn't at work because I was so sick, a dear friend brought loads of food for my family. Oranges, soup, cake, fruit salad...TONS! Girls, sometimes I think this lady is an angel sent from heaven to be a friend to me! Really! She volunteers at the library for me, which means she puts books away back on to the shelves when she can. But more than that, she brings me cheer every time she walks in that door to the library! She brings me flowers, food, smiles and hugs. She remembers what my favorite flowers are and brings them especially for me. And on top of that, she makes me feel like she is repaying ME for some kindness I've done her! I'm telling you that when I grow up, I want to be just like her. She is a very sweet LADY. Anytime I get to introduce her to my friends or family, I feel like I am introducing an angel to them...I really love this woman. So, even though she's not part of the blogging world...Thank you dear friend Gloria for honoring me with your heart...
and that's the Odds 'n Ends from me!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Good-Bye Bro. Eric

Yesterday morning we got the call; Bro. Eric had passed away. The Dad and Bro. Dave had just been there a few hours before, spending the night with him and knew that his passing was imminent. But still, it is very sobering how God chose to call home Bro. Eric, yet he chose to have mercy on Sis. Brittany. Whenever someone passes away that you knew, it sure makes you stop and think about the day ahead for yourself. The day of your own passing. And you ask yourself, will I have grace? Will the Lord be pleased with me? Am I keeping my eye on what's most important in life so that day will be a joyful turn?

I'm sure there are lots of Brethren who knew Bro. Eric better than I did. But, my heart goes out to Bro. Ed and Sis. Jane. Bro. Ed has had such grief in his life; losing 3 children and Sis. Jane took such sweet care of Bro. Eric until the end with such grace. I hope in the days ahead the Lord will give them both rest and blessings and joy to know that Bro. Eric's sojourning days here on earth are over.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Needed: Real Live (older) Woman

Been doing too much thinking lately. That's not always a good idea. What I've come up with is probably just a complaint, but here goes. There's definitely a need in a woman's life when she is starting out raising her family; of an older woman in her life to nurture her and "show her the ropes". There's so much going on in a young woman's life when she is newly married and starting out on the road to motherhood. Even having other young mothers to befriend is so important. Somehow, that sense of camaraderie makes what you are doing seem normal. Watching the young mothers in the library I can tell when a young lady has an older woman in her life and when she doesn't. It makes me sad when I see someone who is lost out there with no life line. Sometimes it seems the most important thing I am able to say to my daughter in laws is, "yes, my kids did that same thing" or "that's exactly what happened to mine when they got that sickness or cut teeth". I can look back in my life and see how I watched the older sisters and needed the younger sisters when I was starting out raising my kids. Well now, here I am, in a very strange time in my life and I don't have anyone to look to and "show me the ropes" like I used to. I'm at that "in between" stage when I'm not done raising my kids, but am certainly not to that point where I'm an old woman. So, where are all those "in between" women out there for me to travel along with? That's even a laughable idea, because there's so much to do in my life now that I don't have time for friends. Ha, ha, stop and have a cup of coffee with me? I'm lucky to even sit down for five minutes and post on my blog. Where's my role model? Okay, there's Mary and Martha in the bible! There's Abigail and the Proverbs 31 woman. So, I find myself on my knees and in my car and as I go to sleep and as I wake begging God to help me with this new stage I'm in. Not ever sure if I'm going in the right direction on any particular thing in my life, but a real live (older) woman... to watch and "show me the ropes" would be nice every now and then!

Thoughtful Video-No sound needed