Thursday, March 20, 2008

Odds 'n Ends

Okay, enough sickness around the house! I'm tired of being a couch/bed potato! I need a shower and my hair washed and some clean clothes...not jammies! Okay...maybe tomorrow...I'm still a little weaky/yucky/coughy/sneezy/blahzo feeling today. It was kinda funny...we were all watching "Nancy Drew" this know; all us sickies have nothing better to do than lounge on the couch...and suddenly there was this funny scene and we all tried to start laughing but instead we were all having a coughing fit! Oh brother!

I had a very nice visit last week from a dear old friend/sister. I got to spend some one on one with her and you all know how much I needed that! She told me to get a grip...which was what I needed and what I KNEW I needed. We had lots of fun together and it was a fresh breath from heaven for me! So...onward we go. I also read another blog of a sister who has about as much on her plate as I do...

Today is the first day of Spring! Maybe tomorrow I will get out and put my hands into the dirt with The Dad? He would love to get going in the garden this year...and we are getting new chickies April 1st. Now where will we put those little boogers? Oh yeah! In my Utility Room! And while they are so cute at first...they get smelly real fast! Yuck! But the grandkids will adore must I. Big sigh...

I listened to some nice advice from another sister's bloggie. . .about internet safety...
and changed the url of my blog. I'm hoping everyone finds me again! I need to put all my blog friends in the sidebar again too. Hopefully you are not all expecting me to be making those luscious meals on my menu blog
because I'm seriously not making those meals since I've been sick! Good heavens! I've still got the Corned Beef in the frig waiting for me...maybe tomorrow?

Last night we watched "Enchanted" on DVD. That was the sweetest, most fun movie ever! I loved how they pulled elements from other Disney movies into the story...did you see it? Did you hear the "Little Mermaid" music in the background at one point? What about the name of the restaurant? Bella Notte from "Lady and the Tramp"? If you haven't watched this movie yet, run...don't walk your fingers to Netflix and get it on your queue!

One thing sweet to write about... On Tuesday, when I wasn't at work because I was so sick, a dear friend brought loads of food for my family. Oranges, soup, cake, fruit salad...TONS! Girls, sometimes I think this lady is an angel sent from heaven to be a friend to me! Really! She volunteers at the library for me, which means she puts books away back on to the shelves when she can. But more than that, she brings me cheer every time she walks in that door to the library! She brings me flowers, food, smiles and hugs. She remembers what my favorite flowers are and brings them especially for me. And on top of that, she makes me feel like she is repaying ME for some kindness I've done her! I'm telling you that when I grow up, I want to be just like her. She is a very sweet LADY. Anytime I get to introduce her to my friends or family, I feel like I am introducing an angel to them...I really love this woman. So, even though she's not part of the blogging world...Thank you dear friend Gloria for honoring me with your heart...
and that's the Odds 'n Ends from me!


Cherrie said...

Our family really liked the movie ENCHANTED. My mom went and bought it as soon as she could so she and kids could watch it. I hope you are feeling better.

meNmykids said...

Haven't watched Enchanted yet, we're waiting for Monday dollar day rental! Hope you are feeling better soon. Funny about Bill singing at the funeral, I think he was relieved that he got some help. He was somewhat nervous about singing alone. His voice carries a pure passion for the Lord, I love to sing with him.

Sister D said...

Glad to hear you FINALLY got to the Corned Beef!I was in a cooking rut and it comforted me so much to hear that you had fallen down on the job and weren't up making all yummy meals! LOL But I didn't like you being really sick:( It made our day that Raine brought over Enchanted to watch with us today! I just dropped everything (not good!) and sat in a comfy chair crocheting and laughing with the girls (soo good!)

Jules said...

Hello :) I love meeting new sisters! I also love the movie Enchanted. I went and bought it the very day it came out! I can picture everyone trying to laugh and end up coughing instead, hehe. That has happened to me so many times, it is hilarious! I look forward to getting to know you better :)

Thoughtful Video-No sound needed