Wednesday, April 30, 2008

S t r e t c h . . .

The Dad and I have noticed our bodies getting a little more aches and pains lately. It also seems like we can pull muscles more easily! Oh No! Hope this doesn't mean we are getting old. Oh well, no help for that! But what we can do is try and stretch these achy muscles of ours. So I went on the handy dandy library catalog and ordered some videos and DVDs for stretching. It's been pretty hilarious for the past two mornings as we've gotten up early and stretched together. I am seriously out of shape and not in any way could I be considered limber. My limber is lost! Ha Ha...that's a book joke! Get it? Girl of the Limberlost? Ok, never mind. The first DVD we did, yesterday, was so fast! How could we even "enjoy" the stretch when the lady was on to the next movement before we could even get into the first position? Oh brother! This morning's video was a stretching for partners one. Emphasis on "feeling like a tree". Swaying and all kinds of yucky New- age weirdness. Does anyone out there have a favorite stretch DVD? I really want one that just does the old fashioned stretching routine. Please let me know...oh, and enjoy picturing The Dad and I stretching and "feeling like a tree" this morning!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Please excuse my Silence

I'm trying to think of things to write on my blog, but my heart has just not been in it. I haven't written on too many of anyone else's blogs either. But I'm trying!

Yesterday I had to pass a milepost for me. I really needed to see God's mercy as I passed this milepost too. And I did. A dear Sister was going to be delivered of her baby so soon after our Elijah's passing and it was hard for me to even think of it for her. As she travailed through the night, I couldn't sleep for sorrow. Lots of thoughts would keep coming in and it was probably me allowing the adversary to torment ...but I asked for another dear friend's prayers that the adversary would go away and the Lord put me to sleep. I was so relieved in my sleep that when the call came to say that the Sister had been delivered of a healthy baby felt like I had already knew it in my heart!

It's not that I doubted God's mercy at all. But, now my eyes are opened to how much we need God's breath of life to be given. I know I was sober about this before...good grief...I've passed through seven deliveries of my own and seen five of my own grandbabies born. But now, I know more fully that God is the one that holds that baby in the palm of his hand and I will never look at another delivery the same. Thanks be to God for the safe delivery and the gift of life given to our dear friends in OK.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Great Sorrow

It is with great sorrow that I write about our beautiful grandson, Elijah, who was stillborn on Saturday. His Momma and Daddy had so much grace through her labor and delivery and the ordeal afterward. Even now, when you walk in their home, as she is recovering, you can feel the grace of God on them both. There is too much to write and too much sorrow in my heart to write it. Our family has been given only good from the Lord up until now. How can I complain? We've raised our seven children without even a broken bone. To have our first sorrow happen to our children breaks our hearts. And yet, I am fully confident that if God had chosen to do it, he could have breathed life in to little Elijah at any moment. My sorrow does not overwhelm the confidence I have that God is the author of even this. As I stood and testified in church on Sunday, I have so much to be thankful to God for. His mercy has been to me since the day I was born again almost 30 years ago. I know his mercy will continue and he will be the Gentle Healer that our family needs.

Friday, April 4, 2008

The Girls Step Out of the Coop

My chickens, AKA "The Girls", make me happy. Here is a picture of a big fatty hen. We haven't named her except to call her "Fatty". She doesn't seem to mind this rather rude nickname. She happily struts around the yard whenever we let her out of the coop.

Here is "Fearless". She's the natural leader of the clutch. She's the first out of the coop and seems to lead all the adventures. Isn't she a beautiful blue color?

Here is the whole assemblage. I threw out some old tortilla chips and they went cuckoo. The problem is, since they know when the door opens we might be giving them a treat...the whole flock makes a mad dash for the patio!

Here's a pretty picture of a dandy duo. They don't have names, poor ladies. There just here to make eggs and walk around the backyard for heaven's sake!

I'll leave with this final note... we have six girls...we had seven. But one died as she got run over by the coop. Yes, it was Granddaughter #1's first brush with the dreaded word..."dead". She was very sober about it...and talked with Poppa about it every time she saw him for a few weeks after that. Only one confusing thing about this was, it was about the time we thought that Tecumseh, our dog had gotten lost and we told her that he died. Then he showed up the next week. Mmm...kinda gives her an interesting view on death, don't you think?

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Over the Back Fence...

As I meander to my computer...ok, for real... I run in here to my computer every morning to steal a few minutes to check up on "my" blogs...I can't help but wonder what is the pull? Why am I so drawn to check up on what my bloggie sisters are writing? Is this a good thing?

I came up with a few thoughts and I'll share them with you. First of all, I absolutely love being a part of all of your worlds. I feel like an old time housewife chatting with you girls over the back fence when I read your blogs. I am humbled to be included when you write back to me on what I've commented on your postings, I am elated to hear what you write on your blogs and I search diligently for edifying words to write as posts. Girls, what's most important is that on our blogs we can feel each others joys, sorrows, worries, cares and laughter...together. We ask for prayers from our God for one another and we've seen Him hear and answer us. We've cried with each other and posted heartfelt comments to each other to lift each other's hands up. I've gotten to see the silly side of all of you've made me laugh and giggle and it's lifted me up when I've been down. Most of us live across the country from each other...some of us have never met face to face. But, it doesn't seem to matter! We all seem to be drawn to each other on our blogs... So, think of me each morning as I make my coffee and see The Dad out the door with his lunch and a smooch, because you can bet I'll be hightailing it in here to my computer to meet with you all...over the back fence!

Thoughtful Video-No sound needed