Friday, March 28, 2008

Entertaining Angels Unawares?

In this picture, the old man is very aware that he is entertaining an Angel... Have you ever thought that you had unwittingly entertained an Angel? It sure is going to be hard to pull the wool over my eyes, because I find myself looking for them all the time! Yet, I'm wondering if yesterday a couple of them dropped by my library? There were these two men, one young and one older and kind of frail. They stopped by to use the restroom and it was at a very busy time. Lorraine was there with me too, so she knows who I'm talking about. The younger one took the older one gently and led him to the restroom and then came and just stood by my desk expectantly watching me. In my rush of helping other patrons, I let it go until I had finished with a few others. Then, since he was still watching me expectantly, I asked him if I could help him. He said that he was just here for the restroom. Then the older one came out of the restroom and he was very kindly looking. He started to converse with Lorraine and she couldn't understand him because he was speaking Spanish. She directed him to me and I asked him if he was looking for books in Spanish, he tried to speak to me, but was fumbling for words and I (thank the Lord!) waited patiently for him to speak to me in Spanish...hoping I would be able to understand. (Note: neither man looked of Hispanic origin!) He said it was nice to be here and to see me and then I showed him to the books and told him everything our library carries in Spanish. He nodded his head and smiled very nicely the whole time. Then he said it was a pleasure to meet me and started to leave. He held out his hand to me and I took it and it was very sweet how he squeezed my hand ever so gently and I squeezed it back with all the kindness I could give him. And off the two of them went...At that time, I didn't even think about them being Angels! Of course, I still don't know if they were, but it hit me this morning, as I was thinking back over my day yesterday, that maybe they were! Every day I am in the library, taking care of different patrons or visitors, I realize that while I know most everyone who walks in, sometimes a visitor comes that I don't know...and you never know who it might be... But this does not make me accountable to be careful to entertain kindly only the people I don't know who visit... I really do try and treat every one of my patrons as if they were the Lord coming in. And it's not hard! I feel so much love toward people sometimes, and I know it's just the Lord in me. It would be a privilege to have the opportunity to entertain angels unaware...but maybe I'm too watchful?


Jules said...

Awww, that is a really neat post. I wonder sometimes if hitchhikers are angels in disguise. It troubles me sometimes to see a hitchhiker and not pick him up, but God knows my reasoning. I have children, and I don't want to pick up someone dangerous. I think it would be amazing to find out if you had talked to an angel. But even if those men weren't angels, you were shining your light to them, I love hearing stories like this :) I can't wait to meet you and your family. I hope we make it out there this year sometime. Thanks for the beautiful post!

:.☂Raine☂.: said...

You know, now that you mention it, they were watching you quite a bit while you were helping the other patrons. That's very interesting. They seemed like very sweet men.

Remember when we saw that homeless man on the side of the road with a sign? That's the one time I've felt like that was angel. He might not have been, but he sure touched my heart.

Cherrie said...

What a beautiful post, you never know who is watching us.

Sis Stubby said...

I think that is great.I would hope I would treat every one like you do.Even if it was not an angle . You let the light of Jesus shine
thur you, We never know we may be the only Jesus they see!

Sister D said...

What good things to think about. Dave and I have had a couple of times in our lives when we thought we might have entertained Angels but I hadn't though about that in a long while. I love what Sis Stubby said about letting our light shine because we may be the only Jesus others see. Thanks for the sweet post. What Precious Thoughts that fill my morning!

Jules said...

Lori: Hey :) Yeah, everyone always uses the "I'm pregnant...NOT" for AFD. The reason I didn't use it, is I don't actually know month to month, so I didn't want to say I wasn't and turn out to be, ya know... LOL.

Sister D said...

WHAT?! Lori's pregnant YIPEE! I'll be sure and let everyone know! ;P

Thoughtful Video-No sound needed