Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Skippyjon Jones is my Hero!

On Monday night the whole family came over to celebrate my birthday, since son #1 and wife had gone on a trip for the weekend and were now back safe and sound. My daughter and daughter in law #2 made the bestest ever homemade calzones. They were so yummy and I had two pieces! I had brought home a book called "What Do Parents Do? (When You're Not Home)" to read to the whole family. So after dinner, I announced that I had a book to read to everyone. First thing you know, Granddaughter #1 had grabbed a seat in front of me and was anxiously waiting for storytime to begin! It was the most darling thing I have ever seen. She comes to my storytimes at the library each week and so she knows how this story thing works! So I read the book and she is just enraptured of course but when the story ended she started looking for the other books I should be reading. I told her that this was the only one I had brought to read. And she told me, "Grammy there are two more stories in your room!" That was so cute. She knows where I keep my special storytime books in the bookcase in my room. When I opened my presents, I found the latest Skippyjon Jones book! Yeah! Skippyjon is my hero! And his latest escapade is wonderfully fun. Mama Junebug Jones calls him Mr. Pickle Pants this time. I love how his mama calls him all kinds of fun nicknames throughout the books. I wish I could have taken a picture of Granddaughter's face as I read Skippyjon to everyone. It will be an image I keep in my memory for the rest of my life. She absolutely adores stories and I think Skippyjon is her hero too!


:.☂Raine☂.: said...

That was too cute watching her and all her facial expressions! She sure loves her Grammy and storytime. :)

Anonymous said...

Just about the time I need it Sister Lori you write something to lift my heart I can still see your sweet face reading to the kids at story time I loved it and I love my memory of it thanks to you and skippyjon Jones

Tiffany said...

I just found out you have a blog! How fun! That was so sweet watching Abby site at your feet while you read to her =D

Thoughtful Video-No sound needed