Wednesday, November 5, 2008

OKC Visiting Brethren on Halloween

Here are a few pictures from our HUGE weekend with the brethren from OKC. Our brethren here enjoyed them so much and we hope they all enjoyed us as well. I am desperately needing sleep since we stayed up every night until WAY past my bedtime. Even with gaining an hour on Saturday night, we used up every bit of it visiting on the word of God. This picture is of Grandson J, who is so squeezingly cute! Then it's on to Puppygail our new little puppy around the house! She's got such an imagination!

Here are Miss B and Daughter L all dressed up for Halloween. This picture is a milestone for Miss B. She's wearing the Halloween costume she didn't get to wear last year because Halloween pretty much marks the time that it's been a full year since she got so sick. She looks and feels great now and her momma even testified in church Sunday that she can JOG around the track at the high school! (just a little bit!)
Here are the two Sis. L's, double R and me!
Our little Grandson M with his Daddy, what superheros they both are to me!

We all got a little antsy waiting for Bro. M and Sis. C's plane to arrive so we took pictures of our socks! Here are a bunch of our brethren waiting for what seemed like forever for 8:30 to arrive so we could go get them from the airport... the trick or treaters kept them all entertained though...And here they are! Our dear brethren from OKC. Visiting and more visiting! Wow, what a great weekend


Kim said...
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Kim said...

I am so thankful you had great visits with them. I cant wait for us to get to meet them. (who knows when that will be but I can still be excited!LOL) Hope you get some rest.

Sis. Leah said...

I am so glad to hear that you had a wonderful weekend. I love it when brothren come and visit. It is so nice to have such spirtial visits.

Chelsea said...

Looks and sounds fun...I'm going to come out there some day...hopfully soon!

Jackie said...

That looks like a great weekend. It makes me want to have brethren in soon!!

AmyD. said...

I love that pic of R and B! And thanks for letting me crash the party that night-- the chili was fantastic!! :)

Thoughtful Video-No sound needed