Saturday, May 9, 2009

Hero #2

In the past it's always been uncomfortable to me to hear someone say, "they are such an angel!" or "she's an angel in disguise!" or other such likening of a person to an angel. It felt like an intrusion into a realm that was not mine to speak of. But, recently I came across a scripture where a woman was speaking of King David and she says something like this, "he was as an angel of God, comforting me"! This surprised me and then I found a couple of other scriptures that were similar. So, that got me thinking of my Hero #2. She's a woman who I have known now for many years. I sort of inherited her kindness by way of the library. She had been a volunteer there for many years before I became the librarian at our local library. So, when the librarian retired before me , I inherited this dear soul's kindness. Her name is Gloria. How could I tell on this blog of how her kindness has affected me? She has shown me what selfless love is. She is old enough to be my mother, and she has even referred to her love for me as if I were her daughter. It's because of her selflessness and kindness that I call her my Hero #2. A long time ago, she was driving with her two little children, a son and a daughter, when a drunk driver hit her head on. Her daughter was instantly killed and her son only survived because he was laying down in the back seat. I had known Gloria for years before she even told me that! She comes and visits me often at the library and at my house and is so concerned about me. What's going on in my life, who's having babies. When Baby Elijah was stillborn, it affected her deeply and it came to my mind at the time that I knew she would gladly have traded places with me to ease my sorrow. When my family is going on a trip, she will bring us snacks for the road, she remembers The Dad and my anniversary and she NEVER comes to see me empty handed. And it's not that she brings me stuff that impresses me. It's that she thinks AHEAD of what would please me and remembers my favorite flowers and candy. I have a saying, "when I grow up, I want to be Gloria!" Her selflessness, goodness, kindness and heart to comfort me is "as an angel of God". She'll never read this blog, or maybe I'll bring it up at the library next time she comes in, arms laden with thought-filled treats; but still I am thankful to have this dear woman in my life and I know that God brought her my way to teach me lessons on how to become a selfless woman and give of myself to others! I love you Gloria!


Jackie said...

I am so glad that you have someone like that in your life and I hope the Lord truly blesses Gloria!

Sister D said...

I'm so thankful for Gloria! I thought of you yesterday, and of how hard it must be sometimes not having a mom or a mother-in-law to go to. You've certainly never once complained of it, but when you spoke of Dear Gloria my heart was full of thanksgiving for what God has given you and what a blessing she's been to your life. Your sweet tribute to her (You should definately let her read it ) Makes me feel like I "want to be Gloria when I grow up" too!

Sister Stacie said...

Thank you for sharing. When I thought about it, I marveled because you are a very sweet example of how I wont to be as a sister. Then that made me think we all have our gloria's and we are all probley like that to someone else. It made me wont to be a better sister in Christ, for we never know who is watching us and learning. I pray that I learn to please my Lord better and be more like you. Thank you for your sweet example to all of us.

Thoughtful Video-No sound needed