Friday, June 19, 2009

Evidence of Grandchildren in your life

1. the potty seat in your bathroom even though the last of your children have been potty trained for over 15 years
2. that special toy that is sitting on your end table that someone special let you "borrow"
3. all action stopping when you hear the words, "Grammy..."
4. special treats in small baggies in your cupboards waiting to be given away
5. tiny gardening gloves and boots outside your back door
6. an itty bitty pool in your backyard waiting to be filled with warm water
7. a growing basket of books for special storytimes
8. a heart so full of love that you never thought could hold more!
9. an inclination to get on your knees more often that God's mercy will be to your little ones too.


pandama said...

thats cute i liked the "borrowed toy" it means sooo much to them to share with grammy, and the extra prayers thanks. ;D we love you

Barbara Reed said...

that makes me so excited to be a grandma, only 3 more months. I am so way excited about it. And your description helps even more.

Rosalie said...

A big grandma sigh awwhhh!!!! It is such a wonder, that our hearts just grow larger and ache with such love for our babies.... babies. When did they all grow up anyway???

Sister D said...

Awww that is such a sweet post! I long for the days to hear a little voice call out "Grammy!" to me and to scoop em up with kisses! But you're so sweet share your grandkidlets with me ;) They are such a joy!!

Thoughtful Video-No sound needed