Thursday, January 21, 2010

And the Winner is....!!!

Okay, so you all probably know that I am a librarian, (or at least a librarian wanna-be) and that I absolutely adore Children's Books. Well, late last year I found the most amazing book called, "The Lion & the Mouse" that I totally fell in love with. There are few words in this book, it's a retelling, by beautiful pictures, of the Aesop's fable. The wonderful thing is, this retelling doesn't need the words. Nope. The story is told through the illustrations. I can't say enough times how happy I am that this book won the 2010 Caldecott Medal which is given each year to "the artist of the most distinguished American picture book for children." Jerry Pinkney is the illustrator and his book is definitely worth the medal in my humble opinion.

If you want to see a few more of the pictures, click here on the Amazon link

Or better yet,head to your local library and request the book! Then sit down and enjoy this wonderful book with your children that evokes words such as courage, valor, uncertainty, heroic deeds, loyalty and most of all enduring friendship.

Oh! And don't forget to enjoy the end paper!


Tiffany said...

Did you show us that one during the holidays? I looks familiar =)

pandama said...

mom you're sooo cute i loved this book as well that invokes chivalry and honor and the golden rule of treat others how you would have them treat you. I love books and my almost local librarian mommy congrats on the win lion book hip hip horray!

Rosalie said...

I will have Katie check that out at the library ( I shudder to confess I don't have a .....library card!) Micah loves to be read to. I also have a request, could you please remove that dear enduring photo of you and Craig...It made me cry... Love and miss you both!

Sis. Lori P. said...

Gasping and choking that Mamasita doesn't have a library card! I'll bring you one from my home town and we'll trade it in for one at your home town when I get there in 10 days!

Tiffy, I had this book at my house for a while, you probably saw it here?

Pandama, You are so right! It teaches the golden rule so well...

Rosalie said...

As I drove into town this afternoon, I realized my error in grammar. I meant to say "please remove that Endearing photo" :)

Sister D said...

Oh I love that book too! I also want to recommend the book that you got me for Christmas! It's called Christmas Cookies and it teaches little ones the meaning of such important words Gratitude, Selfishness, Perseverance all through the process of making cookies. My favorite line is:
MODERATION means at the party not having twenty cookies, and not having zero cookies, but having just enough cookies.
LOL!! Sis Raine and Bro Timo r having us for dinner and she just called to ask for my hubby's fav cookie :)Hmmm.... is 6 cookies moderate?!

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Thoughtful Video-No sound needed