Friday, December 28, 2007

Rockin' in my little World

Today I got to rock my Lil T-Man in my rocking chair. I was babysitting and it was time for morning nap. And time just stood still... for me and for him. I could have sat there all day and it was a heavenly place to be! Sitting there with some soft music on and rocking him was a treasure from God. As his eyes got heavier and heavier and he fought sleep, he looked up at me and said, "Hi!" and smiled his sweet smile looking into my eyes. I can't begin to describe the love I felt back for him! What a blessing to be called "Grammy"...what a blessing to be allowed by God to see my children's children. I cannot thank Him enough for bringing me through this life and giving me such a treasure. Such a gift of service to Him to be able to be there for my grandchildren and my children.


Russell said...

I love my MOMMY! I still like to be rocked MOM! ;)

Trina said...

Awww....what a sweet post! I KNOW I will love rocking my grandchildren too. It is hard to imagine that you could love them as much as your own, but God never ceases to amaze me.

Tiffany said...

That so sweet mom! I can't wait to rock my little one's in my rocking chair.

Thoughtful Video-No sound needed