Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Happy Thoughts

I had a couple of happy thoughts I stowed in my treasure chest of memories lately and I wanted to share them...

1. Grandson #2's first birthday was the other night and he got his first pair of shoes...his momma put them on and he proudly tromped around the church with them on with the hugest smile on his face! I loved that!

2. The most beautiful words my daughter could hear her best friend say..."Happy Birthday!"

3. Feeling the dancing and drums all the way through my seat as we sat and watched "Riverdance" last night and clapping till my hands hurt!

4. A most interesting visit with some friends who really, really wanted to know what we believe. And the thought I had of hearing something somewhere in my brain: "come, let us reason together..." and knowing that at that moment we were living those words!

1 comment:

Sister D said...

Watching the joy on my daughters face as we slowly fed her a mini chocolate cupcake(Gluten Free!) to celebrate her Sister Lorraine's 20th Birthday! Still makes me cry thinking about it :)

Taking care of my Daddy when He's sick. Bringing him Coke(Bad boy)and a warm sweatshirt(Good boy)

Feeling like the brethren have done more for me than I ever can repay and then getting a call to pray and help put a butterfly band-aid on a dear ones badly cut finger.

Thoughtful Video-No sound needed