Sunday, December 23, 2007

Time Flies

Although I can't say I've been having fun. As you all know, our little friend has been so sick. I've spent all my computer time allowed me writing on the General Assembly Forum just trying to keep the Brethren up to date on how our sleeping beauty has been. Slow goes the tide here, but it seems to have turned. For the better I mean!

I've spent every minute I could getting ready for Christmas. Got the shopping done and the presents wrapped and the stockings are waiting to be stuffed tomorrow night. Miss L and I spent the afternoon today cooking together for our Church Christmas Party which is tonight at 6:00 pm. I've made some appetizer size Runsas. These are small little buns filled with beef, cabbage and cheese. Very simple, but yummy! Miss L. has made up a speciality! She fried little tiny tortillas and is filling them with taco salad mixture. What a great idea, Sweetie! She also is making a special hot cocoa mix sent to her by Daughter in Law #3. I've found a chai tea mix made with rooibos tea so it's non caffeinated.

Us girls revealed our Secret Sisters this afternoon. Sad that it's over! My secret sis was Miss Brittany and for her gifts I was following Proverbs 31. I got all the way to "she strengtheneth her hands" and the gift was two little pink 1 lb. weights and I lost heart. I just could not bring myself to give her that gift. Today I gave her some really soft sheets and told her in her card that when she is better, I will finish with her Virtuous Woman gifts! I am not going to cry!


Sister D said...

My dear friend,
I loved how you said "I'm not going to cry!" at the end of your post because by the time I got there I already was :)I'm looking forward to the day she can not only lift little pink weights, but a someday a baby in her arms. What a sweet thought that someday on Christmas morning I might be surrounded by little ones as you are :) We want to thank you so much for posting on the Forum for us. You just don't know what a comfort it has been for our family to read the comments this morning the brethren have made and how many have called us to say they are reading it to keep up on how she's doing. Please thank your family for their loving care and prayers. We are so grateful for each and every one.
We Love you and pray God blesses your time together this Christmas

Trina said...

Oh my...your post and then sister d's response has me in tears this morning. Den and I are praying diligently for her. Each night before we go to bed we talk about her and their family and that we need to remember to pray for her continuously. I pray that God will allow her to have the strength to hold her newborn baby as well, someday. May God's mercies continue to rain down on them.

Thoughtful Video-No sound needed