Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Running the Race to the End

I've been watching the Olympics off and on this past week. The other night they had the womens marathon race through the streets of Beijing. Having been a long distance runner in my high school days, I was interested to see the ladies run. I love to see their long strides and think about the endurance it must take to run 26 miles. I wonder what is going through their minds for those long miles of the race and what makes them try and win so hard that they go through grueling training to get to the Olympics. They are all running for the prize of an Olympic gold medal; to hear their national anthem played while they stand on the highest step. But for some, who train to run a marathon, it's just the finishing of the race that matters. It's getting to the end and the prize is within themselves; they finished what they set out to do against all odds. While watching the marathon the other evening, I was hearing the newscaster talk about why all the ladies seemed to be running in a pack together. He said it was easier that way, they all set the pace for each other. But he said that soon, someone was going to have to run out ahead of the pack; to break away and strive to set her own pace. And sure enough, one lady did start to edge out ahead and set her own pace. Until the end of the marathon, this woman ran her own race. At times she was almost a full minute ahead and the TV was showing that she was so far ahead, that if she looked back, she wouldn't even see any of the other racers. She had set her pace and was sticking to it. Being in the lead like this, the camera was on her and I got a chance to really watch her face. At times, she seemed strong and her body showed no sign of weakness. But for a little bit, she looked stressed and I thought she seemed lonely. Then she picked herself up and got her stride back. The newscasters were saying how it was wise of her not to even look behind herself to see where the other racers were and that if she did, it could discourage her and make her lose her stride and timing. So she didn't look back. She finished the Olympic marathon in first place. She ran into that stadium to win her prize with the crowd cheering deafeningly for her.

Watching this marathon, I was put in mind of my life and how I've run my race in the faith. I started out as a young woman, with a husband and our family grew and grew. I ran my race then with all my sisters along side of me. We all were doing the same thing, we had the same pace set together. Life was good because I could see that others were beside me. But one day, the Lord made me start setting my own pace. I had to take that step forward like the woman in the marathon. It's probably because I needed to run just with the Lord for the prize. I couldn't rely on my sister's to set the pace anymore. I've been bemoaning the fact that I don't have other sister's beside me to run with like I used to. Each sister that is my age is at her own place in the race; on the way to her own prize at the end. It's hard to not have sisters to watch; who have had many children, raised them and now those children are leaving to start their own lives. I do have my dear Sis. D., who is my comrade in arms against the adversary and who I thank God for daily. I know there are other sister's out there at the same place in life as me in other assemblies. But, it's really just me out here running my own race. Figuring out what the pace is. I need to stop looking back to see where all the other racers are that I started out with. I need to keep my face forward toward the end. The finish line. We heard in church Sunday about picking up our cross and following Christ. That's what I need to do... I need to follow Him. To make it to the end and hear the voice of God saying, "Well done, my child.", is going to take me running my own race to win the prize of heaven. Now I just need to go and ask Him to help me follow along and find the pace He will set for me.


:.☂Raine☂.: said...

I really liked this post mom. Good things to think about

Jules said...

Wow, I've never thought of things like this. Itwas definately a good post and made me stop and think also :D

Sis Stubby said...

Thank you for this post.Not that I don't have sister here to help me in my race. But it is realy just me & Christ.I needed that.

Anonymous said...

Awesome analogy Mom. I've always enjoyed that scripture where Paul refers our walk in this faith like a race.

Jackie said...

Thank you for this post I really needed it today.

Thoughtful Video-No sound needed