Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Sorry about the Comment Field Not Showing up

I was getting weird comments about a month ago and someone dear to me let me know that I should probably not allow comments for a while. Then I forgot about it! Oops!

Hopefully all will be well now and you can comment if you like!

PS Thanks for the text Sis. Rosalie!


Rosalie said...

Just wanted to give you high-five and hugs... I totally understand your struggle, spiritual and physical. You go girl!!! Love and miss ya much.

Brother Stubby said...

Wondered about that. I thought my end was messed up. Just wanted you to know that my wife & I often pray for you all. GOD bless! Bro. Jim aka bro. stubby.

Sister D said...

I have been so inspired by the courage you have shown to face every day with such determination and to stick with something that I know has been a tearful struggle at times if not for the grace of God. But the joy on in your face when we tried on clothes that didn't fit you because they were TOO BIG made me want to cry for joy with you!!

Thank you for the sweet reminder that on our knees we can find the courage and strength to conquer anything! Love you

Thoughtful Video-No sound needed