Friday, April 10, 2009

Riding an Elevator...

I'm doing some changes on my personal blog and on my library blog . Isn't the busy bees background fun?

Have you heard of ProBlogger? They are doing a thing called "31 Days to a Better Blog Challenge". I joined in an effort to make not only my library blog more readable, but maybe to incorporate some of the ideas found there into this blog also. The first day's challenge was to write an elevator speech for your blog. An elevator speech is a short speech that tells all about what you are doing in the time it would take to ride in an elevator to the 10th floor! Short, quick and concise. I wrote the one on my library blog, but I'm having trouble with my elevator speech for my personal blog!

So I'm asking myself... what am I doing blogging? Is blogging dumb? Is what I blog about even worth reading? Do you all ask yourself those questions? Some of the blog writers I normally follow might have already done so, because I have noticed it's been pretty quiet lately. What keeps us blogging? Certainly what keeps me blogging on my library blog isn't what keeps me writing here on my personal blog. Heaven knows I'm not even sure anyone reads my library blog! (should I laugh or cry?) I blog about the library because our community is trying to get a new library in Monroe, Oregon. I also sneak in some other fun stuff when I can, mostly about programs we do and the love of books. But what keeps me blogging here? What is my elevator speech for what this blog is about? Mmm... I'll have to think about that this weekend...maybe I should find the nearest elevator and practice!


pandama said...

mom you so funny no your blogs aren't dumb . yes you should know why you write them because dont you love getting those little glimpses into the window of our sisters lifes even the ones right here in Oregon are sometimes a delightful surprise to me so keep up with those cute things like got worms and the more serious things like praising Gods name in thoughtful blogs. I love the library and hope many people read your blog if nothing else than to find out about a great book or a fun new way to read it like play aways. ;D

Chelsea said...

I enjoy reading ya'lls blog. But I too have noticed that it has been quiet on the blog front. I blog about whatever comes to mind. I think since it is your own personal space to write, write you should do, no matter how silly, short, long, serious, or just random. :D I know I do lol

Sis. Leah said...

I too enjoy your blogs very much. It nice to hear what is going on in my sisters lifes. I also don't think that your blogs are dumb, it's just us being us. Sharing all that God has and will do for us. And because of that, why not write!!

Sister D said...

I commented on your Library Blog ;-) You should put a link from your blog to your Library blog (or I should not be lazy and figure out how to find it myself....Tee Hee)
I'm the last one to get a say here since I'm an official lurker and don't have my own blog. Sadly too many times my day gets away from me and I don't have time to sit and read, but when I do, its such a long drink of cool water! I love reading my Sisters ups and downs, joys and sorrows, hopes and fears the pictures shared and the goofy stories about your cutie grand-kids ;)I love what Sister Leah said "It's just being us"!

Charlene said...

Hi Sister Lori I know one reason you blog is to help me keep close to God and my Sisters. I love your blog. I find your posts uplifting and sometimes funny some sweet some thought provoking some informational. I would be lost without your blog. I love and miss you so much your blog is like a hug when I need one thanks. Love Sister Charlene

Sis. Lori P. said...

You girls are all so sweet! Now if I could just condense all your reasons to blog into a short quick blurb, I would have my elevator speech! Love to you all!

Unknown said...

I always enjoy reading your blogs and hope you never stop writing them. I have never met you but through your words I've learned that we don't go through this world alone. We all face the same trials and blessings and it really helps to know we are not alone.
Thank you for your words.

Sis Stubby said...

Well I am always late .So any way I love to read every ones blog. I may not post on them. But I do read.Sis Lori I love to read your blog.I wish I could write as well as you do.So keep it up girl.LOL

Thoughtful Video-No sound needed