Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Peek A Boo!

Here's little Miss A with her quilt on her 3rd Birthday! I'm going to be very busy this year making quilts for everyone on their birthdays. First two down...only 14 more to go! I'm having lots of fun picking out the material for everyone's quilts...this quilt is actually very easy. I'm using the pattern for the quilts that are being made for Operation Quilts
I got the idea this summer when us girls were making an Operation Quilt for a soldier. My kids all said they would LOVE a quilt like that for their own. That got me thinking...I could make them all one for Christmas! I counted up the weeks before Christmas and it was exactly 16 weeks...that meant I had to make one quilt a week up until Christmas. Too much pressure! BUT...I could swing a quilt for each of their birthdays if I work real hard. Do-able! So, here are the first two quilts!
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Sister D said...

I'm so glad you posted a picture of the quilts! I was afraid I wouldn't get to see them. They turned out so beautiful. What a labor of Love :)

Kim said...

They look great Lori!

Tiffany said...

I love my quilt!

Thoughtful Video-No sound needed