Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Busy Summer

In the next seven weeks I will be very busy. Well, make that 11 weeks. But especially these next seven. You all know that I am a small town librarian ("library specialist" to be more precise!) for a VERY busy little library. My library is a branch of a nice big county library, so my patrons are very lucky to have so much going on at their little town place. Each summer we have a huge Summer Reading Program that I already wrote about with performers and all kinds of wonderful things like that. This summer will be especially tough on me because the performers will be coming on Wednesdays instead of Thursdays. Let me explain a little bit about my Wednesdays first and you will understand why I am saying it will be tough. My usual Wednesdays are really busy. I get going early and get some errands and shopping done first. I don't have to be at the library until 2:00. My library does not open until 3:00, but stays open until 8:00. Wait, you think! What about Wednesday night church? Well, I make sure I close the door to the library and am walking out at exactly 8:00 each Wednesday night and then make a bee-line to meeting which gets me there at about 8:17. Church starts at 7:30, so I miss most of the prayers and songs but I make it in time for preaching and testimonies. Well, this year, since the Summer Reading Program performers will be there at the library at 12:30 for seven Wednesdays, I will also open the library after the performances at about 1:15 or so. That makes my library open for a LONG time! I do get to have help, sometimes we have about 75 kids come to our programs and it can get very hairy! I have a great helper and also my sweet Daughter L works with me too. But if you could all remember me this summer, maybe the Lord will make things work out great. I really love being the little librarian and love all my patrons. I feel like the Lord put me there to show love to and take care of everyone who comes in. So, I'm taking a deep breath and heading forward...tomorrow is our first Wednesday of the summer!


Sister D said...

I didn't know the program had switched to Wednesdays :( We'll be praying you can get through this busy time and still have time to do all the other amazing things you do... like quilt! (you're callin me right?)

Cherrie said...

You sound so busy, but I am sure the little kids faces are so worth the work.

Sis Stubby said...

Wow,sure looks like you are going to be vry busy.I will be praying for you about the program switch.But this will help the time fly till you can see Bro. Russell again.
Have fun with all this.:)

Tiffany said...

You should repost your long goodbye to Tecumseh :o ....

I hope you don't get too overwhelmed this summer! We also have the Sisters tea party and Sky camp! I'll be praying for you momma <3

Jules said...

That does sound chaotic! It is so hard to get all the errands done with a normal schedule. I can't imagine adding more to it. Sorry about that. I'll pray that you can get everything done that you need to. Just take it one week at a time. Thank goodness you have help!

Jules said...

I also meant to tell you that we signed up under the "Catch the Bug" program. My kids are very excited about it. I'm sure the kids out there will appreciate it also ;)

Sis. Frankie said...

Busy doesn't even describe your summer. Mine's just the opposite. I'm off for 8 weeks. Then I get to go back to the grind stone and deal with the wonderful jr high attitudes. My office is next door to our library. Our specialist is always on a constant run. I will sure keep you in my prayers.

Jackie said...

Well I hope things are going well so far and I hope you don't get overwhelmed.

Also I just went to the library tonight and signed my kids up for the summer reading program here. I am really excited about it and I am sure Jada will love and I know JoHannah will like being read too but she probably won't understand the getting points for each book and being able to buy things.

carimarie said...

Wow it made me tired just reading how full your plate is this summer :)

Thoughtful Video-No sound needed