Friday, May 16, 2008

Uh-Oh...Is this a Rooster Posing as a Hen?

I'm really getting worried about this little "girl" here! She's got an awfully big comb compared to the other "girls".

Here is the whole flock of little ones strutting their stuff among the Calendulas last evening. Ok, I'm sorry I called you stinky yesterday girls!


melissa said...

chris's dad had chickens for the longest time we enjoyed the eggs they layed but boy were they messy we were happy to see him get rid of them lol

Sis Stubby said...

funny I don't know one from the other when they are little.Of course I am a cith girl.LOL
But that oictyre looks so peaceful

Sis Stubby said...


Cherrie said...

They look very content in your flowers.

Sister D said...

LOL! I actually thought the same thing when I looked at the comb on that one :) But I know NOTHING when it come to little livestock! Thank you for letting me come spend the day quilting with you. I needed that. and it's always precious to me when I get to spend time with your grand-babies. Just watching them all at the table eating their samwishes was so cute!

Jules said...

LOL, so he likes the think he's a lady?! This reminded me of one of my Grandma Mc's chickens. I guess there was a hen that crowed like a rooster, I didn't witness this, but heard about it, LOL.

Thoughtful Video-No sound needed